
I (Aaron) always rode bikes occasionally, but about four years ago, cycling changed from a pastime into a lifestyle. The resulting benefits to my mental health have been enormous. The simple act of pedaling became a way for me to process my feelings, exercise more patience with relationships, and keep workplace stress in perspective. As Braydon Bringhurst put it, “the daily ride… allows me to show up as the best version of myself in the other areas of my life.”
Taking pictures on rides became a habit, then a signature, then a creative pursuit. Follow on Instagram or Strava to keep up with the latest!  
Psyclist is a family project. Aaron (dad) takes the pictures and does visionary stuff, Cedar (son) develops/draws the designs and helps with tech, and Jessica (mom) manages social media and keeps the store running smoothly. Thanks for visiting and we hope you find something cool!